Sunday, 31 May 2009

Philosophy of Art

Art is an essential form of expression. The way in which people create art and view art differs greatly. Throughout this course, I have had a better understanding of my aesthetic. I would generally look at a piece of art and think it was beautiful and that was why I liked it. Now I can say I like this piece of art because....I am able to make a case for why one art piece is better than another, in my own opinion as well as with a set of specific criteria. I have thoroughly enjoyed trying to get into the artists' head to try and figure out what they were thinking when creating their piece, I did this mostly at the Tate Modern. I liked the Saatchi gallery, with its display of Middle Eastern art with a feminist perspective. I also enjoyed the displays at the Tate Modern and Tate Britain, the Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster exhibition and the JMW Turner exhibition, respectively. I found that analyzing one's own aesthetic is a bit difficult, but as the course progressed, I had a better understanding of art. Being able to appreciate and understand various art forms is a wonderful thing.

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